

发布时间: 2024-05-17 13:39:45北京青年报社官方账号





As the world's fourth-largest wine producer and the source of 81 percent of wine made in the United States, California is home to 3,900 wineries and 5,900 grapegrowers. It is also the nation's most-visited state for wine and food experiences, attracting 24 million visits annually to its wine regions.


As temperatures dropped below -20 C recently in Xunke county, Heilongjiang province, the marvelous natural scenery of rime appeared along the Kurbin River in the county.


As to opinions on the island that the show is an attempt by the mainland to unite Taiwan on the cultural front, Ma said this is groundless and ignorant of the facts.


As the only villager in Yuejiazhai who finished junior middle school in the early 1960s, Yue had more opportunities than others to pursue a better life. Instead, he accepted the recommendation of the residents' cooperative that he became the only shop operator for the village, which in 1970 comprised about 20 households.


As regards future development, the central government authorities have indicated ambitious plans for Hong Kong’s prosperity in the Greater Bay Area. Apart from being a financial center, it will also play a leading role as an innovation and technology hub, with assured prospects. To alleviate housing shortages, Lam has announced major housing projects in the Lantau area, which will supplement those already envisaged for the North East New Territories. If, moreover, Hong Kong can demonstrate that it is willing to discharge its responsibilities to the rest of the country, and that it can leverage on its unique status under the Basic Law, there is no reason why democratic development should not resume, with our current way of life hopefully continuing beyond 2047. If, however, it chooses to squander its many advantages, it will have only itself to blame.


